Find the support you need.
National Centers for Transgender Equality
Transgender Equity Network
Website: https://transequality.org
A4TE offers various resources and can provide referrals to support transgender individuals. For specific needs, such as assistance with name or gender changes, healthcare discrimination issues, or reporting anti-trans violence, you can find appropriate contacts on their Contact Us page.
Transgender Law Center
Website: https://transgenderlawcenter.org
Email: info@transgenderlawcenter.ord
Phone: (510)- 587-9696
TLC is a leading transgender-led civil rights organization in the United States, providing legal resources and advocacy for transgender individuals. They offer a range of resources and can provide referrals to support transgender individuals. You can explore their available resources on their Resources page.
New York City and Hudson Valley Area LGTBQ+
The Ali Forney Center
Website: aliforneycenter.org
Phone: 212-206-0574
Provides housing and support services to LGBTQ youth aged 16-24 to help them escape homelessness and live independently.
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley
Website: lshv.org
Phone: 877-574-8529
Description: Offers legal assistance on issues like discrimination, housing, employment, family law, and healthcare access affecting LGBTQIA+ individuals in the Hudson Valley.
Callen-Lorde Community Health Center
Website: callen-lorde.org
Phone: 212-271-7200
Description: Provides sensitive, quality healthcare and related services targeted to New York’s LGBTQ communities.
Housing Works
Website: housingworks.org
Phone: 347-473-7400
Description: Offers housing, healthcare, and supportive services to individuals living with HIV/AIDS, with a focus on LGBTQ communities.
Hudson Valley LGBTQ Community Center
Website: lgbtqcenter.org
Phone: 845-331-5300
Description: Provides a safe space and support services, including mental health resources, for the LGBTQ community in the Hudson Valley.
GLITS (Gays and Lesbians Living in a Transgender Society)
Website: glitsinc.org
Description: Provides housing, healthcare, and leadership development for transgender individuals and sex workers.
The Door
Website: door.org
Phone: 212-941-9090
Offers mental health, housing, and various support services to LGBTQ youth aged 12-24.
(NYLAG) LGBTQ Law Project
Website: nylag.org/lgbtq-law/
Phone: 212-613-5000
Description: Provides free civil legal services to LGBTQ+ individuals, addressing issues such as discrimination, housing, and family law.
SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders)
Website: sageusa.org
Phone: 212-741-2247
Description: Offers supportive services and consumer resources to LGBTQ older adults and their caregivers.
GMHC (Gay Men's Health Crisis)
Website: gmhc.org
Phone: 212-367-1000
Description: Provides HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and advocacy, along with mental health and substance use services.
Pride Center of the Capital Region
Website: capitalpridecenter.org
Phone: 518-462-6138
Description: Offers support services, educational programs, and advocacy for the LGBTQ community in the Capital Region.
Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Website: srlp.org
Phone: 212-337-8550
Description: Works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine their gender identity and expression, providing legal services and advocacy.
New Alternatives
Website: newalternativesnyc.org
Phone: 718-300-0133
Description: Dedicated to reducing homelessness among LGBTQ+ youth and young adults in NYC by providing housing, health services, education, and employment support.
The Center
Website: gaycenter.org
Phone: 212-620-7310
Description: Offers health and wellness programs, arts, entertainment, and cultural events, as well as recovery, wellness, parenthood, and family support services.
The Audre Lorde Project
Website: alp.org
Phone: 212-463-0342
Description: A community organizing center focusing on the needs of LGBTQ people of color, offering various support services and advocacy.
The LOFT: LGBTQ+ Community Center
Website: loftgaycenter.org
Phone: 914-948-2932
Description: Serves the lower Hudson Valley with support groups, educational programs, and social activities for the LGBTQ+ community.
In Our Own Voices
Website: inourownvoices.org
Phone: 518-432-4188
Description: Focuses on the needs of LGBTQ people of color, providing health, wellness, and advocacy services.
Brooklyn Community Pride Center
Website: lgbtbrooklyn.org
Phone: 347-889-7719
Description: Provides support and services to Brooklyn’s LGBTQ+ community through original programming and partnerships